Sunday, November 3, 2019

Going from Newtonian Relationships into Quantum

David​ was on FIRE during the final session of this weekends' online retreat! In this short clip I filmed he's talking about Isaac Newton, and how we need to make the leap from Newtonian science into Quantum science... especially in regard to our relationships! 🤩

Thank you so much to David, Frances, Svava, Greg, Jeffrey, and everyone who participated in this online retreat and everyone behind the scenes! It was a profound deepening for me, and came at a perfect time when I'm starting to shift gears and open up to Spirit-guided world travels (reach out to me at if you're interested in hosting a gathering). Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 💗💗💗

I'm soon going to be sharing all my Notes from this retreat and the insights I'm SO grateful to have received this weekend. I'll share them here on Facebook, but if you want to receive them for sure, you can subscribe to this blog with your email address (find the subscribe box to the upper-right). This is also where I'll be posting my upcoming tour dates and details as they become clear. 🙏😍😘

P.S. You can get info on next months' online retreat "The Forgiven World" here:

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