My experience with the practical application of A Course in Miracles—with following the Holy Spirit's specific guidance in my life—is that it only works when I'm feeling a strong love and passion for what I'm being Called to do. Otherwise, the ego's resistance just takes over and wins the day. But when I feel super inspired and in love with what I'm being guided to do—at least at the beginning—then that inspiration and love will carry me through even the most difficult challenges.
I love this video sharing below from my friend Diana, because she shares a story of an American ballet dancer who was so passionate about dancing that she moved to Moscow to join a Russian ballet company whom she felt matched her level of passion. But when she started training with the company, she realized that the Russian ballet instructors are much more "harsh" and firm than what she'd grown accustomed to in America. In Russia, they will train the dancers by "hitting" them on their arms or legs during ballet poses in order to train/correct the muscles, whereas in America, ballet instructors are not even allowed to touch their students!
Of course, the ego can point the finger and say that the Russian instructors are too harsh (or that American instructors are too soft), but in truth, it's just a matter of perspective. To this young woman however, it definitely felt like military boot camp, and she wondered how much of this "abuse" she could tolerate.
But when she looked deep within, she remembered the love and passion that drew her to this company to begin with. She remembered her original passion and purpose for joining the Russian company, and this gave her the strength and willingness to stick with it, as challenging and extreme as it felt. And when she finally committed to it, she actually began to feel nothing but love, gratitude, and appreciation for what she had previously judged as "intolerable"; for it was this that had served powerfully to expand her comfort zone and make her a much better dancer in the end.
This is what Spirit is trying to do for us all: expand our comfort zone. To get us out of our little boxes. To get us to go beyond what we thought was possible or what we thought we could handle, and show us that we have NO IDEA how strong we are or how much we could handle! In truth we are limitless, but Spirit needs to guide us to this realization through many, many, MANY experiences that will gradually expand us beyond our fixed belief in lack.
But again, the main point of Diana's story is that a strong feeling of love and passion needs to be there first. We need to be guided by love, by our inspiration, by our commitment to something higher than just "fitting in" or getting the next paycheck. We need to be courageous enough to dip down within and ask for guidance from our Source, Who loves us unconditionally and wants ONLY for us to be supremely happy!
So check out Diana's video if you're interested, and I also recommend you join us for next month's online retreat, "Purpose is the Only Choice" (see link below). Powerful stuff I tell you!!! 😃😃😃
💖 💖
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